Scary Story // Melody by the Sea > 900words
ANNIE and Rhoda woke in the middle of the night to the sound of thunder. Rhoda, who was the youngest, rushed in her pearl nightgown to turn the light and tripped on shoes that Annie had left in the middle of the room. She kicked the boots and they crashed into Annie's music box, a swan. her beloved trinket made a melodic cry when it hit the wood floor. "Can't you be more careful?" Annie rushed to the swan , breathed a huge sigh of relief that it wasn't broken, and wond it up. The soft music of swan lake with the sound of rain on the window. Annie frowned. The swan was titled and the music played a little more slowly. Rhoda looked back at her sister with her light saber flashlight. "Did you hear that?" "You broke my favorite music box!" "Hush!! Listen!" The music stopped playing Swan Lake. The plash of rain and the roar of the northeast hurricane was all she heard. Rhoda stared at her sister behind her glowing blue J...