Autumn Fairy Bookmark Collection
Aside from my poetry I also run an Etsy shop where I sell poetry necklaces, vintage books, and just recently these pretty bookmarks. For the last week of December I am running a 20% off sale everything in my book shop. On January 1st, I will have new listings for these magical Autumn Fairy bookmarks.
The scarlet autumn leaves have serrated edges, speckled with carnialian crystal chips. The cicada wings were harvested in the summer, naturally, the creatures molt and leave their bodies behind with irredescent wings still attached. These winged key bookmarks go fast - I only have one bronze winged key left.
Who will be the last keeper of the keys?
One year has passed on Etsy and I am so excited to see how my shop blossoms. I have a lot of creativy energy that I want to funnel into my shop, I feel like I'm following my purpose as an artist after so much heartache.
My Shop: Hyla Brook Books
Facebook VIP group: Hyla Brook Books VIPs
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