You Are Heaven // personal poetry 2009

You are the fall
of golden Heaven leaves;
Not the quiet
for the woods are filled
with the natural order of beautiful
sounds. You are
the songs of the highest trees that float
to Heaven, and get stuck
in the clouds. You are the shinning light
flooding my face, you are
The only truth I know.

You are fallen eyes
And heavenly grace
rustle my soul where I lay
open in the woods
and stay
within you forever.

whose hands are the very essence of life
I hold. You are
The blue of sky that holds my world
in close.
Your lips,
what words praise that kiss
In which all the souls of the world
are utterly lost? What world?
I walk the valleys of your cheeks
And discover the spreading of days
and Venus
through the telescope view
of your heart.
You are the invention of brightness
In the precious night stones, you are
the creation
of love on time.
A serendipity moment I find by accident.
You hand me timelessness.
I forget exactly when you did this,
but the sky was empty, and now
it isn’t.
When you blink
Snow descends slowly, white angels
with melting voices
on my breasts.
You are the God’s private musician
playing the symphony of kings.

The hours are you, the seasons are you,
My place I carry is yours.
You are
My soul and heart of that
Love for Heaven, that if I
could die —
that if i could die
in those arms of yours, than I
could easily l eave this world

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