A Peach // a poem
Once they thought they had finished all they had left They just laid like that for a while, sharing large exhausts from their working love. He is not so weak from it, in fact, he is made stronger because of it and when he stands naked Like that it reminds me of a Greek God overwhelmed at the site of acres of her skin when he moves slowly over it Remarking on all he can before he Pledged his loyalty to an absolute rose and swore her generous majesty That he could bask in their love’s glory whenever He chose to love her, as if he had the choice Not to. He made circles over her stomach With his fingers like skimming the fuzz of a peach Before kissing it. Support Through Patreon https://www.patreon.com/prettypoems <> follow me on social media <> I N S T A G R A M Hyla Brook Books – my shop The Pretty Poems – My Poetry