Exfoilating Heart Scrubbies

There’s never enough of the color I need to finish an idea. I keep miscalculating measurements and stitches. It’s the pressure of having an Etsy store. What to do in this creative rut? I've taken a mandatory time out to step back and look around. When I’m in a crochet frenzy, its easy to see: I immediately pick up the yarn and possibility and quickly work until the idea is out of my mind and into my hands. Then there are times when my mind is restless and I don’t know what I should start on. Last month I spent every day with the BLO single crochet, and then some time with the front post single crochet (FPSC). These techniques have pretty lines.. A quick remedy for these stalemates for me are fast projects, like these exfoliating heart scrubbies. They're made out of 100% cotton, Lily & Creme in baby blue. You'll love making one for yourself, the joy of that and the joy of taking care of your body is a plus!


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