Review: At the Edge of the Orchard

There are authors I'll always grab if I find them sitting on the shelf at the thrift store. Tracy Chevalier stood out like a sword in a stone. I read The Girl with a Pearl Earring years ago and remember fawning over it. In my hands now was her book, "At the Edge of the Orchard" and I knew something good was waiting for me in these pages. Tracey Chevalier is a historical fiction writer. The time period for this book - 19th century America, I really enjoy reading about, watching movies about, this book was right up my ally - during the time of the Gold Rush, westward expansion, a story about a man and apple seeds. The story goes deeper and roots play a metaphorical purpose in this story - where we decide to uproot ourselves, the people involved in our own family tree, and the way Tracy describes the trees to you, you almost wouldn't believe it. I'm determined to see the Red Woods and Sequoias my self. Her attention to detail makes it to where every scene ...